2412 Griffith Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90011   Cell (213) 400-8777 

Phone (213)-677-2784          deleby@pacbell.net


  • ​Nadine James
  • Barbara Terrell
  • ​Yolanda Hines

  • Kathleen Watkins

REV. Venus Butler - Coordinator

Wednesday Evening
PRAYER 6:00PM Bible Study - 7:00pm
Zoom ID 875 1168 8125 Passcode 346452

Middle School:

  • 6th through 8th Grade

Dr. kathleen watkins - superintendent


  • ​Rev. Barbara Melancon
  • Judge Albert D. Matthews
  • Ella Quinlen-Oatis
  • Shirley Lee
  • Donna Pugh
  • Rev. Lois King
  • Dr. Kathleen Watkins
  • Sharon Martin
  • Terry Martin
  • Sara Warren
  • JoAnn Scott
  • Rev.John Foye 
  • Arthur Osborne

Second Baptist Church LA

High School:

  • 9th through 12th Grade


  • Berean
  • Henderson​
  • Fisherman
  • Life's Journey

Sunday School


  • Nursery/Kindergarten
  • First & Second Grade
  • 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade

Christian Education


​The Christian Education

Commission is responsible for the organization, administration, supervision and implementation of the entire education program of the church. It is also the responsibility of the Commission to plan special weeks and days designated by the pastor.
All activities of the Commission must be carried on in harmony with the general program of the church. These activities are the responsibility of the Committees and subcommittees of the Christian Education Commission. 

The following committees organize subcommittees to assist in the implementation of their proposed programs.

Sunday Church School

Kathleen Watkins – Sunday School Superintendent
Stephanie Staten Davis – Assistant Superintendent

Serve in an advisory capacity to improve the quality and structure of the instructional program. To plan and implement classes for all ages.
Assist in the recruitment and training of teachers.
Plan various activities.
Assist in the evaluation of the total Sunday Church School curriculum and program.

Children’s Ministry

Barbara Terrell - Chairman

Develop a children’s program, which will minister to the needs of the children in both the congregation and the community leading to Christian Discipleship.
Assist with special days, observances and activities that relate to children.

Youth Ministry

Korey Pugh - Chairman

Open to any youth between the ages of 13 – 18 yrs, or grades 7th – 12th.
In cooperation with the youth of Second Baptist Church, plan programs that involve spiritual, evangelical and social activities.
Engage the youth in an active and vital part of the total church program.
Involve parents in Youth Ministry.

Young Adult Ministry

Develop discussions that will inform and equip young adults to deal responsibly with contemporary issues, which confront them.
Provide a forum for leadership development, which is non-threatening.
Help young adults develop their awareness of their relationships with God.

Leadership Development/Bible Study 


Organize training and educational enrichment classes for the church. 
Assist in the recruitment and training of teachers for Sunday Church School and Vacation Bible School.
Plan workshops and bible study for church members and leaders.

     Member Orientation Ministry

To welcome and introduce members to the mission and ministries of Second Baptist Church.

Grief and Bereavement Support Ministry

To offer support and encouragement during times of transition.

  • Reggie Carter
  • Korey Pugh