2412 Griffith Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90011   Cell (213) 400-8777 

Phone (213)-677-2784          deleby@pacbell.net

Second Baptist Church LA

Our Pastor

Rev. Dr. William Saxe Epps


"... until we all come to the unity of faith, the knowledge of Jesus and grow to the full maturity and personhood, and in the likeness of Christ"

(Ephesians 4:13)

​Our vision is to continue the work of Christ by developing ministries that address the needs of our contemporary society.

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The Reverend Doctor William Saxe Epps, a native of Rochester, New York began his tenure at Second Baptist on Thursday, October 1, 1987 and was installed as only  the eighth pastor to ever lead the church on Sunday, January 31, 1988. 

His preparation for the ministry began with a Bachelor of Science degree from Bishop College, Dallas, Texas in 1966; a Master of Education degree from Columbia University, New York City in 1970. He received the Doctor of Ministry degree at St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, Maryland in 1987. He also studied at Andover-Newton Theological Seminary and at Boston University in Massachusetts.


Serving people in righteousness, integriity & truth.

WE BELIEVE IN...  God, the maker of heaven and earth, the ruler and preserver of our lives.

WE BELIEVE IN...   Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Lord and Savior.

WE BELIEVE IN...   the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

WE BELIEVE IN...   The Holy Bible, the Universal Church, Holy Baptism and the Lord's Supper.

WE BELIEVE IN...   Ourselves as children of God.

WE BELIEVE THAT... God is to be honored by the first fruits of our time, talents and substance, therefore, we commit unto God, for the work of the church; our lives, our tithes and our offerings. 

WE BELIEVE IN...   The resurrection of the dead and life in the world to come.

our affirmation of faith

Website Contributed and Designed by Urban Design Center, LA. Various photos contributed by Foxx Media Group, LLC, LA

CHurch Mission

"God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself" (II Corinthians 5:19)

As a congregation of believers in Christ, we witness to the the reality of God's redeeming and reconciling presence in the Los Angeles Community and the world.